Effective 1st July 2016, SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, will be enforced , which states: A container packed with packages and cargo items should not be loaded onto a ship to which the SOLAS regulations apply unless the master or his representative and the terminal representative have obtained the verified actual gross mass (VGM) of the container.
Culines will focus on how to make operation of VGM smoothly with all stakeholders in a simply way, and ensure all operation in order under SOLAS regulation V1/2 without any failure.
In order to give you clear mind of VGM regulation to manage your shipment with Culines, here comes FQA for your easy reference:
Q1: What is the content of the amendment SOLAS regulation V1/2(VGM)?
A1: SOLAS regulation is the abbreviation of International Convention for Safety of Life At Sea. According to amendment of Solas regulation V1/2(VGM), it is mandatory for shipper or their agency to take and provide VGM of each container on bill of lading, meanwhile submit it to vessel owner & terminal before deadline in order to proceed to cargo planning. No VGM, no loading!
Q2 : What is the effective date of amendment SOLAS regulation V1/2(VGM)? Is there any buffer of responding time?
A2: According to IMO rules, it is mandatory to check and certify the each container weight before loading on board with the effective date July.1st 2016. Regarding of responding time, we will keep close to authority desk and keep you well informed at the first time if any updates locally. As carrier, Culines will obey VGM regulation from IMO with the effective of July.1st 2016, which is applied to all over the world.
Q3 : Which party will take the responsibility for VGM submission?
A3 : Clients on the shipper column of bill of lading or their agency is the correct desk of VGM submission with the full responsibility of extra risk and cost in terms of regulation
Q4 : Is it possible to put on shipment on board without VGM?
A4 : According to SOLAS regulation, all related shipment must be rolled without VGM or late submission after deadline. Please obey this rule: No VGM, no loading! Otherwise the responsible party must absorb all cost, risk and responsibility for this failure.
Q5: How to identify the cargo weight according to SOLAS regulation?
A5: Here comes two options:
Option 1:Gross weight
Put the whole container on fixing which is adjusted or certified by authority desk to measure the weight after cargo loading to equipment.
Option 2:Tare weight plus cargo weight
Clients come to the third party which is admitted by authority desk or government to measure and provide the cargo weight including packages such as pallets and associations and plus tare weight afterthen.
Q6 : How to trace tare weight?
A6 : It is always marked at the corner of door for each equipment.
Q7: Submission deadline of VGM?
A7:Considering of actual situation locally, it is impossible to set up the same guidance, please approach our local agency for details.
Q8 : Is it acceptable to submit VGM with other related documents? Is it allowable to edit it after submission?
A8 : It is no objection to accept VGM with other related documents and amendment is workable before deadline, but clients must absorb extra cost, risk and responsibility accordingly. No amendment is allowed after vessel planning is finalized. (please also check with local agency about details).
Q9 : Is it workable to submit it by the third party?
A9 : It is no specified for submission desk, but it is mandatory to provide authority letter from clients if task of VGM submission is delegated to the third party.
Q10 : What is the logic/channel of VGM submission?
A10 : Client---agency(if necessary)---terminal
Q11 : Which channel of VGM submission is accepted by CULines?
A11 : There are three options as below:
(1) EDI(Standard EDI : VERMAS, IFTMIN, 304 ) 。
(2) Email
(3) Hardcopy
As for the details, please approach our local agency for verification.
Q12 : How about the content/information on VGM?
A12 : It is included:
(1) Booking no/shipment no;
(2) Container number;
(3) Gross weight including tare and cargo weight;
(4) Measurement of weight ( tons / ponds );
(5) Specification of options on weight measurement (option 1 or option 2);
(6) Signature( responsibility );
(7) Focal point of VGM and emergency contact channel including hotline and email address ( responsibility )
Q13 : What is the solution if there is discrepancy of weight comparing VGM and facts ?
A13 : Carries have no responsibility to identify accuracy of VGM information, but they have authority/right to request updated version of VGM to clients or refuse this shipment directly if there is any discrepancy of weight between VGM and facts, meanwhile clients must absorb all charges, risk and responsibility for it.
Q14 : Which date is at the first priority if there is discrepancy of weight on VGM and gate-in weight?
A14 : Gate-in weight is at the first priority which is non-negotiated.
Q15 : What is the acceptance range/ratio of discrepancy ?
A15 : The discrepancy of weight comes from VGM and gate-in data should be controlled under ±5 percent and less than 1 ton(Each condition is not allowed to offend)
Q16 : How about the difference of weight on VGM and Bill of lading? Is it necessary to show VGM on bill?
A16 : Weight on bill is always cargo weight only which is applied to customs declaration/clearance and bill drafting; Weight on VGM is gross weight including tare weight, cargo weight and package weight which is applied to vessel/cargo planning. But it is no restriction to show Gross weight or cargo weight which depends on client’s requirement.
Q17 : What is the solution once gross weight is exceed to payload?
A17 : It is easy for all of you to trace tare weight and payload at the concern of equipment door, please do not offend it since there is no option to roll all of them if gross weight is exceed to payload.
Q18 : Is it mandatory to submit VGM for transshipment?
A18: Of course, it is also mandatory since no VGM no loading. Carrier or local agency will provide VGM information which is collected from clients to discharge port.
Q19 : Can CULines provide value added service to measure weight of each equipment?
A19 : According to SOLAS regulation, it is clear that responsibility of VGM is shipper on bill of lading or their nominated agency, so clients have to take this action by yourselves since there is no service from CULines on it.
Q20 : Is it possible for each terminal to provide service of weight measurement?
A20 : It depends on actual situation of each terminal, please approach our local agency for assistance.
Q21 : How to trace much more information/details of VGM?
A21 :
As for SOLAS regulation and International Maritime Committee about weight measurement, please refer to:
As for International Maritime Committee and Union Euro Economic Committee about package standard, please refer to:
As for local policy and rules of VGM, please refer to:
Regarding to guidance of weight measurement is in progress by Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. We will keep more eyes on it and publish it at the first time if all in order.
If any query of VGM, please do not hesitate to approach our local agency for assistance.